We Can Cure

Our aim is not just surviving but thriving. Because your life matters.

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We Can Cure

Our aim is not just surviving but thriving. Because your life matters.

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Welcome to CANCURE

Cancure Foundation is a Not for Profit Society founded by likeminded individuals from various walks of lives and professions towards the cause of assisting the marginalised section of the society in the process of diagnosis and treatment of cancer and renal diseases, and also with the rehabilitation and Palliative Care of the terminally ill and bedridden.

Dialysis Unit

The growing number of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) due to life style changes and high incidence of diabetic and hypertension patients among the people of Kerala prompted the Foundation for entering into the forays of treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).

Those poor patients suffering from renal failure need lifelong dialysis unless he/she can get successful renal transplant.

Pain & Palliative Care


Our dream project Rehabilitation & Palliative Care Centre to erase the sorrow of poor and abandoned patients who are terminally ill and housed at the isolation ward of the General Hospital, Ernakulam.

Rotary For Her Care

A mammogram is the best technique to detect breast cancer. Through our mobile mammogram unit, we ensure awareness about breast cancer.

Patient Support Scheme

A supportive program that provides free medication to needful Cancer patients during the whole process and helps to overcome the financial toxicity.

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    Happy Volunteers

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